Freedom Group: Sexual Integrity for Men
Are you struggling with compulsive sexual behavior(s) (pornography, extra-marital affairs, or visiting sexual establishments) that is/are having negative impacts in your life? Are you struggling to connect emotionally with your partner or in other interpersonal relationships? Do you find yourself preoccupied with fantasy when experiencing anxiety, stress, achievement, etc.? If the answer is yes, know that you are not alone. The shame associated with living two separate lives is a catalyst for propagating the sexual addiction cycle and often keeps individuals from seeking help from others. Perhaps that is why research shows that combining individual counseling with psychotherapy groups and a 12-step recovery program offer an individual the best opportunity for recovery. According to Dr. Douglas Weiss of the American Association of Sex Addiction Therapy (AASAT) 70% of sex addicts have been physically abused , 80% of sex addicts have been sexually abused, and 90% of sex addicts have been emotionally abused. Such issues can generate an impaired sense of self, often generating feelings of inadequacy and the need to isolate. Groups are structured to help you build a recovery support system and develop a renewed sense of self that promotes a lifestyle of recovery. Our groups also feature the Sexual Recovery Growth Index and Partner’s Recovery Growth Index that exclusively offer clients the ability to track his or her therapeutic progress in recovery.
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