Challenging Your Perspective This Holiday Season!

With the holidays here it can be an exciting time. However, for many people it can be quite the opposite. It can be hard to have an attitude of gratitude in the midst of pain during the holiday season. Maybe it is a loss of a loved one, a lost job, or an inability to be with family and friends that make this time of the year difficult. Whatever the circumstance are, I would like to offer a challenge to you. Over the next 30 days write out 10 things that you are thankful for daily. The catch to this challenge is that if you miss a day you have to start over at day one. The goal is to get through 30 consecutive days writing out 10 different things each day that you are thankful for or have gratitude for. This may seem like a daunting task. I have offered this challenge to many of my clients and most will immediately balk at this idea. However, the clients that take up the challenge unanimously come back after completing the challenge saying how their outlook on life has changed for the positive. Whether you are excited or feeling down this holiday season. Give this challenge a shot and watch how your outlook on this time of the year begins to change.

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