
Roadblocks to Recovery

Roadblocks to Recovery: Lack of commitment/time to work all aspects of the recovery program. The addict decides to work recovery for his partner to not lose his or her relationship. Lack of full disclosure by the addict to his therapist. Lack of full disclosure by the addict to his partner. The partner does not commit to his or her individual...[ read more ]

Challenging Your Perspective This Holiday Season!

With the holidays here it can be an exciting time. However, for many people it can be quite the opposite. It can be hard to have an attitude of gratitude in the midst of pain during the holiday season. Maybe it is a loss of a loved one, a lost job, or an inability to be with family and friends...[ read more ]

Understanding My Sex Addiction: The Adult Self, Parent Self, And Child Self

In the late 1950s and early 1960s Dr. Eric Berne developed what is called Transitional Analysis. In this revolutionary paradigm he expounded on Sigmund Freud‘s ego states. Dr. Berne stated that the ego was made up of three persons. The adult self, the parent self, and the child self. The adult self is the grown up and is comfortable with...[ read more ]

Sex Addiction Support Group Listings

For those that may be looking for a sex addiction support group, here are a few websites to visit: Sexaholics Anonymous Celebrate Recovery Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous Sexual Recovery Anonymous S-Anon

Intimacy Anorexia: The Silent Marriage Killer

There is a silent killer among marriages today that few are talking about. Its name is Intimacy Anorexia and it is classified as a sexual addiction. This working paradigm was developed by Dr. Douglas Weiss. He defines intimacy anorexia as “the active withholding of emotional, spiritual, and sexual intimacy from the spouse.” In a marriage the withholding of intimacy in...[ read more ]

Free Sexual Addiction Screening Test

Have you ever wondered if you have a sexual addiction? Click the Sexual Addiction Screening Test and take this free screening for yourself. Depending on what you score, you may want to give me a call to talk further about your results and whether treatment is right for you.

The Cycle of Sex Addiction

As with any addiction there is a cycle the addict is caught in. This blog will simply cover the facts of the sexual addiction cycle. Dr. Patrick Carnes has written a book on this type addiction cycle called Out of the Shadows. In his book he states, “For sexual addicts an addictive experience progresses through a four-step cycle that intensifies...[ read more ]

Sexual Addiction: The 5 Commandments

When working with a sex addict one of the first homework assignments I give is call “Five Commandments to Freedom.” This tool comes from 101 Freedom Exercises. It is a simple yet effective tool that helps the client maintain sobriety. Here is how it works. PRAY in the morning. This step is a simple acknowledgment of the sex addicts desperate...[ read more ]

Sex Addiction: Mind, Body, & Soul

Sexual addiction is a disease of the mind, body, and soul. If not dealt with quickly and directly it will have devastating consequences for the individual and those he or she loves. For the sex addict it is important to understand what type of sex addict they are because that will dictate what type of treatment is needed. In his...[ read more ]

Sight Without A Vision

Helen Keller was asked once “What would be worse than being born blind?” to which she replied “Having sight without a vision.” I find this to be one of the most profound statements I have ever heard because this little girl was born deaf, blind, and mentally challenged. Yet in spite of it all she was able to come to...[ read more ]

418-A Barr Rd
Lexington, SC 29072
(478) 984-6949

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